The Meemli Blog On The Learning Experience

2020 Vision To Start The New Year!

Sorry, we couldn’t pass on the pun! New Year’s Eve is almost here and for many, this means making lists of resolutions to keep in…

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Plan To Enjoy The New School Year

(We’re re-sharing another of our annual favorites – take charge of your new school year!) Does it feel like summer’s gone, though the calendar doesn’t…

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The Summer Break Is Winding Down

(Parents may help their younger kids with this!) For many students, the summer break may soon be ending with schools scheduled to re-open over the next…

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Stop The Summer Slide With Creativity!

Many schools are already out for the summer, though it’s not technically summer yet. How are those summer plans coming? While parents (and teachers) may…

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Enjoy The End Of The School Year

(Enjoy this updated re-post of one of our favorites!) Now that you’re well into the second half of the school year and summer break is…

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